Una visita sorpresa de confraternizacion – A fellowship surprise visit

Una visita sorpresa de confraternizacion

A fellowship surprise visit

El Domingo 27 Enero 2019, La Iglesia A.O.R II (Igleisia Evang. Arca De Refuge II) de Minersville Pennsylvania recibio una visita sorpresa de confraternizacion de parte de el Obisbo Marcus Alvarez y su congregacion Poder Divino de Cristo.

On Sunday January 27, 2019, Church A.O.R II (Evangelical Church Ark of Refuge II ) of Minersville Pennsylvania received a fellowship surprise visit from Bishop Marcus Alvarez and his congregation Divine Power of Christ.



Hacia unas semanas que senti en mi espiritu venir a confraternizar con El pastor Felix Pepin & La Iglesia A.O.R II a quien amamos y esta visita es evidencia de el amor que le tenemos” dijo el Obispo Marcus Alvarez.

“For weeks now I felt in my spirit to come fellowship with Pastor Felix Pepin & The A.O.R II Church whom we love and this visit is evidence of the love we have for you” said Bishop Marcus Alvarez.


The service continued with praises and worshiping on to the Lord.
El servicio continuo en alabanzas y adoración a El Señor.












El pastor Felix Pepin & La Iglesia A.O.R II expresaron sus agradecimientos por la visita, juntamente se gozaron en la presencia de DIOS, entre alabanzas, adoracion & una reflexion que trajo el pastor Felix Pepin bajo el tema:

“Lo que hacemos naturalmente tiene un impacto en el mundo espiritual”

Pastor Felix Pepin & AOR II Church expressed their gratitude for the visit, together they rejoiced in the presence of GOD, they praised, worshiped & Pastor Felix Pepin shared a reflection under the theme:

“What we do naturally has an impact in the spiritual realm “


Agradecedemos a El Obispo Marcus, Pastor Wellington & La Iglesia Poder Divino De Cristo.

We thank Bishop Marcus, Pastor Wellington & The Church Devine Power of Christ.

Att: Pastor Felix Pepin & Iglesia Evangelica Ark Of Refuge II(A.O.R II)

2 thoughts on “Una visita sorpresa de confraternizacion – A fellowship surprise visit”

  1. To glory to God, it was an awesome service, a double portion for us since we had service in the morning and then we headed out to Minersville. It was the powerful!. “What is done in the physical realm will have an impact in the spiritual realm …. positive or negative.” To God be all the Glory! I received it. Thank you Jesus for the Pepin family. Continue to bless them in the name of Jesus. AMEN.

  2. That day was an awesome day you felt God’s presence. In a very powerful way. Our Pastor Felix Pepin always tells us we have to show Christ in us and one way of showing the love of Christ is fellowshipping, This is one manifestation of said love of Christ.We were very pleased to have fellowship with Devine Power of Christ was a very nice surprise.May God continue to bless Bishop Marcus and his congregation.

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